Is this like a really bad joke or what?!
Okay ... soo after having to get my car fixed at about Christmas time, and it costing a little over $400, I should have known that things would be going down hill for the rest ofmy life .... but hey I'm a little bit blonde so it tends to take me a while to catch onto things. So anyway .. they newest drama in my life is that I owe the IRS $545, WIU $3100, and Defiance College $1200, and I still owe just under $200 for my stupid car having to be fixed ..... add that all up and what do ya get ?? ONE CRAZY INSANE DEBT THAT JUST WON'T GO AWAY!!!! And as I sit here trying to figure out what bill needs to be paid when, I look to God and say OK WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! (haha like it's His fault) and He calmly says, "It's okay Jackie, I have everything under control." Riiiigggghhhttt! If THIS is having everything under control .. I'd really hate to see chaos! :0)
oh girlie.. I couldn't even imagine how you feel!! I know life is crazy, it has more than enough of its share of twists and turns thats for sure! You just remember God DID open a door for you, oh lets see.. on your birthday!! Now if they will just call you back! Just like you've been praying, so things will work out love ya :) ali
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