A True Friend
Some people go through life, never knowing what a true friend is.
They go through life with blinded eyes, never knowing what they've missed.
They have their friends that will talk to them when no one else is around.
But, none-the-less, as soon as someone 'more important' comes along, those friends are no where to be found.
They have their friends that 'are always willing to talk.'
But give them enough time, or make them bored, and the are also willing to walk.
They have their friends that are more than willing to stab them in the back,
And they have their friends that can make their life completely out of whack.
They have the acquaintances and fair-weather friends that bear the same inscription.
They have all these people, that they call friends that have the same description.
But none of them, when asked will say, they have a friend that loves unconditionally.
A friend that loves without restrictions, as it was once described to me.
They do no have the friend that loves so much it hurts them deep inside.
Nor do they have the friend that was willing to hold them every time they cried.
They're missing that friend that stays up late when they cannot sleep at night,
And they cannot say they have a friend that will come running back after they've had a fight.
They're missing the friend that won't walk away when someone better comes along,
And they do not have the friend that will love them no matter how many times they are wrong.
They cannot speak of a person that is such a perfect friend to them.
They cannot say that they know someone that will be there to the very end.
They cannot say this, because all their lives these other friends were all they could see.
And they were not able to see the true, unconditional friendship that you have given to me.
But once they find this one true friend, they will finally comprehend
Why it is so important, to me, that I keep this friendship going, until the very end.
For once they experience the love that you have given to me,
The friends that show true friendship will be all that they can see.
No more endless nights spent unslept,
No more promises left unkept,
No more broken hearts and I told you so's,
No more worries, and no more foes.
Because now they have a friend, who's love is more than true,
One that will say, "I'm always here for you."
Jackie Wolford
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