Friday, April 21, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! Mine was pretty good! I was able to relax, spend time with my family and friends, and remember who took my place .... what an awesome feeling! :-)
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Who Took Your Place?
One day, a man went to visit a church.
He got there early, parked his car, and got out.
Another car pulled up and the driver got
out and said,"I always park there!
You took my place!" The visitor went inside for
Sunday School, found an empty seat and sat down.
A young lady from the church
approached him and stated,

"That's my seat! You took my place!"
The visitor was somewhat distressed
by this rude welcome, but said nothing.
After Sunday School, the visitor went
into the sanctuary and sat down.
Another member walked up to him and said,
"That's where I always sit! You took my place!"
The visitor was even more troubled by this

treatment, but still He said nothing.
Later as the congregation was praying

for Christ to dwell among them,
the visitor stood up, and his appearance began to change.
Horrible scars became visible on
his hands and on his sandaled feet.
Someone from the congregation
noticed him and called out, "What happened to you?"
The visitor replied, as his hat
became a crown of thorns,
and a tear fell from his eye,
"I took your place."

Thursday, April 06, 2006
2 Subs for $6!!
okay so Subway has officially made my day! I get there wanting to buy 1 ft. long sub so I could eat half for lunch and half for dinner .. and the line is out the door. I'm like okay forget that idea I'll just eat somewhere else. Well some wonderful lady informed me they were doing a special sale .. but 1 ft. long get a second for 99 cents ... which totally explains the line. So I thought okay I'll wait a few extra minutes in line to take advantage of this deal. so I now have 2 ft. long subs and I only spent $6 and some change! AMAZING!!! I'm lovin it ... wait that's Mc.Donalds slogan .. SUBWAY, EAT FRESH!!!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
April Fools
So anyone pull any good pranks ... or get pranked ... on Saturday?! Well, I was a victim of a good prank! My friend Jessica is almost 8 months pregnant .. due May 23rd ... and my friend Kim and I are counting down the days until we get the call. Well Saturday night, Kim calls and says, "JACKIE YOU HAVE TO GET HERE NOW!!!" I was like holy crap! Why?! What?! She says, "Jess is having her baby!! We are on the way to the hospital right now ... get over here." And then I hear Jess yell, "GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I was flipping out! I had just gotten home from watching the UCLA game at Patty's house, and I was like oh man are you kidding me?! I really don't want to drive to Bluffton, IN tonight! But I was going to! And just as I was about to run out the door, Kim and Jessica die laughing and yell APRIL FOOLS!
Of all the jokes to play on someone, that is just cruel!
I also heard of a good joke played on someone else ... unfortunately I was not the master mind behind this one. Anyway, this weekend was the Women's Great Banquet #37 (a spiritual weekend for women! lol) and at such an event, there is a service where a bunch of community members get together in prayer and fellowship for the Banquet members ... the Banquet members file up the stairs and enter into an unexpected time of fellowship with the community members (most of which none of the banquet members know) .. it's a fun time, and a great way to show God's love to complete strangers. Well on this particular weekend, we had some pretty crazy ALD's ... they got the Kitchen & Agape teams together and they all gathered in this area that is outside the sanctuary door (for those of you who know the church, it was by the elevator) and then Vicky Jones signaled to Greg Johnson (the man speaking up front) that they were lined up and ready to come in .. well VJ was way early and Greg wasn't ready for them yet .. so he signaled back "just a minute!" VJ made the expression something like "JUST A MINUTE?! THEY ARE STANDING OUT HERE!" By this time some community members had seen VJ and they started to pop up and start singing "Jesus, Jesus, Can I tell you how I feel ....." (the song we always sing at this event" And then VJ and the Kitchen & Agape teams pop out and yell APRIL FOOLS!
Now that is just brilliant! They didn't get just ONE person, they got an entire Banquet/Awakening community! I had to laugh when I heard about that one! Only VJ!
Well I hope no one got pranked too badly! Have a wonderful day!