Emily Hope Clark!! I need a picture of you girl! I can't have a picture of Abbie on my site and not have a picture of you on my site also ... GOSH! Anyway, I miss you kid! We're gonna hang out soon! I love ya!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Me and Abbie!

Okay, so I had to edit Christa out of this picture .. not because I don't love Christa to death, but because I wanted a picture of just me and Abbie ...
Abbie Cassidy ... I MISS YOU!! :D And that is a REALLY bad picture of me! Wow I needed some sleep ... you of course look great, but I look .. well we'll leave what I look like on the DL! lol Anyway, I miss you kid! We're gonna have to get together sometime ... and I'll take you to some place that ISN'T B*Town! :D
I love my Meriwether's! :D

Ahh the "M" Family! :D I'm staying at their house until they return from their wonderful holiday vacation to Michigan City ..... Michigan City Indiana that is! :D Okay so I really haven't stayed at their house, but I am welcome to if I want .. and well with my crazy dysfunctional family, I'm pretty sure I'll be there! :D
Boxing Day in Canada
Did anyone else know that December 26th is not only my uncle Tim's birthday, but it's also Boxing Day in Canada?! haha well now you do! :D
Merry Christmas
Okay okay okay .. I know this post is a couple of days late, but hey, MERRY CHRISTmas everyone!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Wake Me Up When December Ends!
Wow, okay so I've had bad days, but really ... can a person just have a bad month?! Because I'm having a bad month! On December 9th Mitch died, and so the whole week after that was pretty crappy. And then of course there's the funeral on the 16th and 17th because we had to wait on the body to get back from Texas. So that made the following few days or so pretty crappy. And to make things worse my car took a crap on the 15th ... yep $465 to fix that whole deal .. are you even kidding me?! And so I had to drive my grandma's car .. not too bad actually! And now I have to drive the roller skate ... yep you heard me .. the roller skate! Brakes to the floor to stop, no power stearing, heater that melts your shoes, shaking all the way to your destination little red car. BLAH! I don't know if I can take much more of this! Tons of stuff to do at work, and zero time to do it .. AND my mom is home! Ahhh ... going crazy!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
Well it's gettin' kinda nast out there people! And they're saying 5-8 inches before it's all over! Yikes! It's beginning to look a little too much like Christmas, what do ya think?!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Awakening # 14!!

WOW it has been WAAAYYYYY too long since my last blog entry! Sorry to all of you that actually read this! There is never anything new on here! ANYWAY, this past November 18-20th, I did another awakening weekend. The picture is of my WONDERFUL table .. L.C. Jamms! :) They were totally awesome! You guys totally rock and I will never forget any of you! :D We had a wonderful weekend, and I am so glad that all of these girls were able to attend.
Pictured left to right: Sammie Eyre (famous for drawing fat babies!), Christa Beach (our wonderful table leader), Megan Denoi (brought lots of smiles to our table), Mandy Losby (Frinds talk .. and a wonderful friend!), ME (Environment talk), and Abbie Cassidy (famous for arguing with me)!
Side note to anyone from my table that may be reading this: "Hello my fellow americans!" "Mandy are you having a blonde moment?" "My name is Bond ..." "Fat Babies!" And Abbie, the Dolphins SHOULD HAVE WON!! May the memories last forever girls! :D