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Jackies blog

Friday, September 15, 2006

This ones for you Amy! :-)

Okay so this post is offically for Amy Kannel! I miss you!!!

"Before you give in to lust, stop and think about how this one moment in time may affect your self, your family, your future spouse, and your future children. Are they worth the gamble?"
OR in other words .. PET YOUR DOG NOT YOUR DATE! hahahaha

Okay so, I’ve been thinking for a while now, so many times after I give someone a gift or offer someone my time, they reply with, “you didn’t have to do that.” And I reply with, “You’re right, I didn’t have to do it. I wanted to do it.” But they never seem to understand why. And when asked why, frankly, I couldn’t answer. I don’t know why … I just do it. I don’t mind offering my time to someone who needs it, or lending my ear or shoulder to someone. I don’t mind buying gifts to show them that I still care about them, or to celebrate a special occasion. But every time someone would ask me “why” I did it … I couldn’t answer … until now.
I’m reading a book by “my man Max” (as I like to call him) … better known as Max Lucado. It’s called ‘He Chose the Nails’. I’ve had the book for a while … I bought it on one of my, what I like to call, pity trips to the Anchor Room (I go there when I’m feeling down! The A Room puts a little more life in my day, and a little more caffeine in my body!). Anyway, I decided to start the book tonight. And after reading only one chapter, I decided to write this! lol
Max starts out by describing a man lost in a woman’s world. He’s trying to buy something nice for his wife, but no matter which department he goes into, he just can’t seem to figure it out. He tries the clothing department, but, when asked what size his wife is, he is unable to answer. He tries the purse department, but when asked which kind of purse his wife might like, he is again unable to answer. His dad had taught him to buy perfume …, which is what his mother, liked … but his wife didn’t like the perfume. So here he was once again … lost in a woman’s world, and unable to answer. But he didn’t seem to mind.
Max then says, “we would do it all over again. In fact, we do it all over again. Every Christmas, every birthday, every so often we find ourselves in foreign territory. Grownups are in toy stores, dads are in teen stores. Wives are in the hunting department, and husbands are in the purse department.”
How true is this? We go out of our way to give … we are so happy with ourselves when a loved ones rips open the wrapping paper and presents a huge smile, or thanks because of the gift you have given them.
Max takes things a step further and says, “Not only do we enter unusual places, we do unusual things. We assemble bicycles at midnight. We hide the new tires with mag wheels under the stairs. And we’d do it all again. Having pressed the grapes of the service, we drink life’s sweetest wine – the wine of giving. We are at our best when we are giving. In face we are most like God when we are giving.”
After I read that sentence, something clicked. We are most like God when we are giving. God gave us so much that we didn’t need. He gave us the beauty of the earth, the tunes of the birds, the tastes of food, the smells of the flowers. He didn’t have to give those things to us. We could survive with out them. But He gave them to us because He loves us.
So, now that I’m kicking myself for not reading this book before now, the next time someone says, “you didn’t have to do that,” and I reply with , “I know I didn’t have to do it. I wanted to,” and they reply with, “but why?” I’ll simply say, “Because I love you.”
I have a feeling this book is going to give me a lot more then an answer to a silly question … it’s probably going to give me an answer to many silly questions. So, I’m gonna quit blogging about stupid things, and get back to my book! J

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11, 2001 Five years later

"America was targeted for attack because we are the brightest beacon for freedom on opportunity in the world, and no one will keep that light from shinning. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundtations of our biggest building but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts satter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American reslove" -- President George W. Bush 9-11-01

Wow! As I watch all of the news coverage, and listen to the raido broadcasts about 9/11 all over again, it still brings tears to my eyes .. and if it still brings tears to MY eyes .. then I can only imagine what it has to be like for those families that lost loved ones on that dreadful day. For the sake of these families, I just wish we could move on. I would hate to re-live this day year after year, if I were in their shoes. I have to admit that right after it happened, I burst out in red, white, and blue. I clutched onto every word that anyone on the news or radio had to say. I stayed up and listened to the Presidents broadcasts .. enjoyed the songs where they have the President or EMT/Firefighters/911 responders/etc ... but now .. 5 years later, I'm starting to feel like it's time to move on. Don't get me wrong .. I don't think this day should ever be forgotten .... I think it would be fine to make this a patriotic day ... where we dress in red,white, and blue .. lower the flag to half mast .. honor the families .. but for goodness sake people let's just let them move on! I was watching the Today Show and they were showing Ground Zero, with President Bush, ex-Mayor Rudy J., and survivors and the families of those who lost loved ones 5 years ago .. and the survivors were reading the names of those who died in the WTC ... it made me get all chocked up and brought tears to my eyes ... but then all at once it made me angry. We do this every year ... I don't know, I just feel like it is time for us to move on as a Nation, and to allow these families to move on as well. Maybe I'm wrong ... maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood today ... but it just seems like we can remember and honor this day with out the big ordeal that we've gone through today.

Well in other news, the Dodgers won last night!!! and so did the Colts ... BUT Miami Dolphins lost on Thursday .. and UGH OSU won .. blah!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well in the midst of me feeling dry and broken ... complaining about all of this change in my life ... I've now realized that I've been over looking what is right in front of me .. who has been right in front of me all along. I am so blessed with amazing friends, and a loving and unchanging God, but yet I found myself struggling ... it doesn't make sense.

Amy sent me a card (which I got today!) and it really made me stop and think. She is such a blessing to me, and I can't wait to see her in October! But anyway! In her card she quoted James 1:17, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." and she also quoted Isaiah 54:10, "For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but my loving kindness will not be removed from you, and my covenant of peace will not be shaken, ' says the LORD who has compassion on you." AND she also quoted Hebrews 13:8 ," Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." .............. it's all there .. in black and white ... God was always right by my side .. He never left me ... He never stopped loving me .. HE NEVER CHANGED. It's like DUH JACKIE you only THINK everything is changing, but I'll always have at least one constant in my life, and that is MY Lord, MY God, MY Father, MY Savior! haha and to top it all off .. He is all one being! :-)

So yeah anyway .. that's my 2 cents for the day!

Bless your socks off everyone! :-)
